some terms we used

Someone asked me to describe the various terms we use for the words looked jargon to them. So I am creating this entry into the blog:

Khalistan movement: The separatist movement in Pakistan esp during the time of Indira Gandhi. It was largely sponsored by Pak and NRI and it tore the most prosperous state of the country into the bloody battle. The movement led to assassination of the Prime minister and was brutally crushed by the police and govt. Refer for more details.

Naxalbari village:

The juhi chawla and anil kapoor movie was Beenam Badshah had to search for this
amazing huh what our bollywood directors can turn up with.

Who should be blamed for rape…

I agree Rape is a heinous crime that should not go unpunished, but I still am strongly against the idea of death penalty to the accused.

1) I feel that for the current misery of the victims, the society is much to blame. The fact that so and so was made to feel helpless and taken advantage of should be of nobody’s favorite tea-time topic. However, what the reality tends out to be is, that people start passing judgments on the victim. Why do you people not forget it an unfortunate incident, or at least do not talk about it.
2) We tend to forget the fact that that particular female had the courage to face the world and demand justice. She could as well have sat home for a couple of days till the bruises heal up and forgotten the whole incident as a nightmare. This is what that bastard would have loved. Don’t let this be lost in the unending list of forgotten crusaders.
3) Being raped does mean that the female is no longer a virgin, but it does not make her any impure. Instead of lending a helping hand and support, we kick her out of her life like scum. This to me looks like a case of punishment to the victim.
4) Giving death penalty actually makes the matters worse. It gives the accused access to endless appeals, hearings and re-hearings. With enough money and good lawyers, he could have the case dragged endlessly and might even drive her to bankruptcy.
5) Did I encourage my brother to rape me by bringing him a glass of water which he asked for?

Last, but not the least, what I find most interesting about we Indians are that we might not have access to facts, but we always have opinions. (Well I am counting myself too).
More than two-third of the minor rapes is done by the people whom the victim knows. Many times it was the friendly uncle or the cousin (or even brother) whom your parents repeatedly encouraged you to spend time with. He played with you and robbed you of your innocence. You were made to experience things before you could pronounce what they were.

Chanakya’s views—–
In case you are wondering why I draw the above line is simply to demark the venture. These posts were originally by Pegasus and I am just adding my thoughts to it.

Now rape is an ever sensitive issue and also an explosive one.
As far as death penalty is concerned I don’t believe in it no matter for whatever crimes. There are too many cases off innocent people being given the death sentence. While i am not completely in favor of the argument “should hundred guilty people be let free but no innocent person should be jailed” but I do believe that no innocent person should be punished. One of the biggest things which we have to deal with in any case is the mindset of what is right and what is wrong. What is true today may well be false tomorrow. The good like truth is all relative. What is true today may definitely not be tomorrow. If it is a tidy desk today it may not be so tomorrow (consider this as regarding my desk as a white lie 😛 ). While in case of wrong or right it might take centuries for mindsets to be changed.

For example let me talk about a certain book called the Kamasutra. It was perfectly acceptable for a male to carry off a female and rape her and then make her his wife. It is written so in the book which includes how to drug her to stupor so that she doesn’t know about what his happening, then take the customary saath pheras (7 nuptial rounds around the holy fire) and then rape her. This was acceptable in those days. Now it is wrong or is it?

Recently two years back an Indian judge resolved a case where the rapist married the raped girl and everybody lived happily ever after (except the girl of course, did anybody ask her why she filed the case in the first place ???? to get married or to get justice). This is our system of justice (sheesh).

Does this mean i believe in rape? Never. To me rape has always been something by which the male tries to show that he is more powerful than the female. It is as someone put it very nicely has become a method of showing who is in control. A from of repressing the females of our kind. So is the present day any better than the past? I will come to our hypocrite society in a while let me just dwell for a while. The word rape has been put so much into our conscious as a manly thing to do. Yes you are surprised when I say this. Yet I am stating this with solid facts. How many times have we stated that our cricket team got raped/ fucked by the other team? ‘I raped him’ when one has had a pretty success against another person. To fuck, to rape was and is a symbol of manhood. While some may say fuck is ok, but one must realize that it is mostly utilized in the context that one gained control over the other against the other person’s wishes. So much has raped infiltrated our physic that even while knowing it is a despicable act we use it as a description for other acts of valor.

What it comes down to after all is a question of the definition of rape.
As defined by our justice system it falls into various accounts:-
1) having sex with a woman (repeat woman) without her consent
2) having sex with with with her forced consent.
3) having sex with a woman who is in an inebriated state.
4) having sex with a child who is below 16 yrs of age with or without consent.

However it is ok to have sex with a 12+ yr old if you have married her. Yeah this is our judicial system or was I don’t know if any amendments have been made.

Coming to our society (my favorite basing point our so called great culture and society). I distinctly remember a movie featuring Juhi Chawla, Anil Kapoor where Anil Kapoor rapes Juhi on the day of her marriage. So no marriage even though the groom has no problems.. Juhi says she is not worthy of him anymore or some shit to that effect. She leaves her house to go to her nurse and surprise surprise she finds Anil Kapoor the gunda out there. Then she immediately falls in love with him for he is an orphan ect. Then she starts pestering him and then Anil Kapoor declares to the entire basti he raped her. her nurse throws her out she starts living with him and then he falls in love with her when she says she can only marry him because her mom had said that the one who fucks her the first time should be her husband. Now this movie was a hit. The rest I leave to you.

The stigma attached to a female who is raped is perhaps the worst outcome of the act. I will not say that it happens only in India but it happens all over the world. What is surprising is to note that females all over the world have suffered from prosecution. And this happens all over the world. The worst case is that not only the has the female got to face the taunts of the entire society but also of her own family. For some unknown reason people believe that wearing short skirts etc are an invitation to rape, because in our culture short skirts are bad. Sheesh and rape isn’t huh? Prevention is better than cure they say. Don’t wear short skirts etc and you wont be raped. That hasn’t happened has it. People still get raped don’t they. yeah but at least that one deserved it. If this isn’t hypocrisy what is?

Another great issue i find is the case of purity and impurity. What the fuck does it mean. A girl is impure because she isn’t a virgin. What crap. This is something i personally believe has been made by insecure males who are afraid that they may not be able to satisfy their wives if their have had sex earlier. The great male ego. I am a male and i find this the shittiest thing in the whole world. Someone else has to suffer so that ur ego dosen’t burst. Fuck ur gf but when u marry u want a virgin. I won’t even talk of the mathematics of the thing.

As for minor rapes. What can i say the fact that it happens is a shame in itself. What drives these people i don’t know but should they be hanged i don’t know but i would definitely prefer not to see the alive or waste taxpayers money rotting in jail. yeah hang them i just had a sudden change in mind. Those were just kids u asshole.

Another great controversy is spouse rape. It has come to fore and then in the great Indian tradition been shelved. Does marriage automatically give you the right to rape your wife?
So you marry so that u have some one to fuck when ever you want? This is an issue which India must deal with. Especially when our judges are handing out such judgments.


This one was just copied from the above link:

We remain competitive by paying less than our competitors.”

We have no time to train you.

We don’t pay enough to expect that you’ll dress up.

You’ll be six months behind schedule on your first day.

Some time each night and some time each weekend.

Anyone in the office can boss you around.

We have no quality control.

Female Applicants must be childless (and remain that way).

If you’re old, fat or ugly you’ll be told the position has been filled.

We’ve filled the job; our call for resumes is just a legal formality.

You’ll need it to replace three people who just left.

You’re walking into a company in perpetual chaos.

You’ll have the responsibilities of a manager, without the pay orrespect.

Management communicates, you listen, figure out what they want and doit.


The Great Divide

The British had a policy a policy which we decry and yet follow to this very day.
Divide and Rule a master-stroke of the British which has laid to ruins our country. We are a country of various religions, communities, people. But what are we really composed of. Groups of people who are ready to fly at each others throat at the slightest reason. And i am not talking about religions only. Communities, neighbors everyone is spoiling for a fight.
Thanks silverine for reminding us of our internal struggles as well. Who can ever forget operation Bluestar. Where there really militants in the Golden Temple ? Was there an arms cache?
The Indian government would have us believe so. The Sikhs involved in the Khalistan movement would have us believe there wasn’t any. Can we ever really find out what happened that fateful day? Would the coming out of the truth really make a difference ? I don’t think so. To both the questions in fact. For a really simple reason. A person who has made up his mind isn’t going to change because the truth will always be questioned. It will be questioned so much that it will no longer look like the truth, but a rumor a rumor will become the feeling of the people. Why because it is easier to believe what you feel rather than accept the truth.

We believe in what we are told. What we feel are the prejudices we are engraved with during our lifetime. What is right and what is wrong does not come naturally to a child. It is taught that by society. Even our prejudices come from there. Maybe not verbally but through actions of people round us.

I am rambling again :P.
There is a huge divide in our country itself which we haven’t been able to breach in the last century. Worse it is steadily growing. Our country is divided into states. Each state which is a country in itself if you look at it. We are always squabbling with each other. Over water, land and what not. There is a divide between the north and the south. The east and the west. All over India these divisions exist

Punjab – The Khalistan movement. Common knowledge says it has died out. I have never been to this lush green state. I don’t know whether the movement has completely died out in that state or whether it is still alive. If it has died out is it because of desperation or belief that it can lead to no good or because they believe in the Indian dream. But all this is really bull shit in my view. The patriotism of these people cannot and should not be questioned. They have proved themselves over and over again. They are a major part of our identity.
yet the Khalistan movement exists. If not in out country then definitely in the US and Canada. people here still hold the view that one day they will have their Khalistan.

North-East – The Naxalite movement – What started out as an ideal turned into violence and which has lost the congress most probably the state of West Bengal for ever. The naxalite movement started out in the hotbed of Bengal. Young people with an ideal in mind. With the belief they could change the country. Make it perfect. They had an idea of equality. Passions burned high and the movement which started out in the village of Naxalbari turned into bloody violence. The congress stopped the movement with a brutal hand ensuring that they never again rose to power. The naxalite movement has spread all over India now. Its not as powerful as in those days but is still there. Their greatest presence can now be seen in the North East which is sadly the most neglected area of our country. Someone somewhere must be wake up.

More later right now I have to work sorry